The Tale of an OutSystems Developer Going "High Code"

Playing well with Others

October 16, 2024 1:45 PM


TL;DR: I'm an OutSystems developer and I've built a mobile app using high code. Here's what I've learned. In this session, I'm taking you on a journey of building a mobile app using Node, ExpressJS, and Flutter to achieve an extremely simple goal: book a tennis court! And if you're wondering: "well, if this is an OutSystems conference, why are we talking about Node, ExpressJS, and Flutter?", the answer is simple: we want to compare developing in one stack versus the other. But why? Two reasons, mostly: the first one is that most people who compare high code to OutSystems are not very experienced in OutSystems. The second one is mostly due to the "real developers write lines of code in a basement on a terminal with a black background and green font letters" motto. Will it be a fair comparison? Honestly, probably not. But we'll do our best. Maybe there's a career change waiting for us. Disclaimers: the authors do not condone "high code" as the "opposite" of low code.

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